Marketing Burnout – How to Get Your Inspiration & Creativity Back To Inspire Your Clients

As a good business owner, you know that you (or someone) should be marketing your business every day. That sounds great in theory, but it can certainly lead to a marketing burnout where you just run out of ideas or feel like you are only repeating yourself.

Below are some common problems, and solutions on how to overcome them. A little note as well, marketing works best in a high vibrational state when you are feeling inspired and creative. 🙂

Marketing Burnout - Running Out of Marketing Ideas

Run Out of Things to Say

If you’ve been reaching out to your target market regularly, it sometimes feels like you’ve said everything you can possibly say. How can you keep repeating yourself all the time?

How to solve this: First, remember that not everyone sees all of your blogs and posts each and every time. Second, you will have new eyes looking at your content over time and need to assume that they have not seen earlier content on this topic. Third, sometimes it’s timing, or phrasing your topic in a new way, that finally triggers someone to take action.

Marketing is like growing a garden; you plant the seeds and then watch as the flowers sprout up at different times and to different heights based on season, weather conditions and even their own unique chemistry.

Tired of Blogging, Posting, etc.

Marketing comes down to creating content to share that will attract your ideal target audience to you. Sometimes it feels like all you are doing is creating content. The same content. And it feels like a continuous rut.

How to solve this: It’s a good idea to regularly revisit your marketing and check that it applies to, and appeals to, your current target audience. Does it inspire them? Excite them? Make them want to work with you? Or does it answer their questions, or problems, and make them feel like they can heave a huge sigh of relief?

Block out some time to brainstorm, but not in a how-many-ideas-can-I-come-up-with type of way. Instead, meditate, journal and just sit in stillness as you focus on your ideal clients. Who are they? What do they need? How can working with you change their life for the better? Take time and space (trust me, this is better than rushing and forcing out an idea) to become more understanding of your client and how you are serving them. Put a focus on how you can serve them and what information you can provide now.

Is the thought of marketing stressing you out? Let’s schedule a marketing strategy session. I’d love to learn more about your business and have insight into ways that you can move forward.

No Clear Goals

You may be experiencing marketing burnout because you have no clear goals of what you are trying to achieve. If it feels like you’re just doing the same thing every day…you may be wasting your time!

How to solve this: Going into each activity with a larger goal in mind, and intention, will help you stay more focused and feel more productive. When you know that this blog post you are writing is part of a larger campaign to help new users find your free download, which in turn helps them do X, Y or Z, so that they then want to hire you…well that makes the blog feel more valuable.

Also, go into each article/ blog/post with a clear purpose of how this will help your ideal client and a clear call to action for how they can work with you. (I love using my Marketing Matrix for this.) It can be a soft invite, but be sure to always provide the offer to them.

Just Burnt Out

This feeling can relate to the previous problems as well, but I wanted to address it with its own solution. Ultimately, the burnout feeling is your body sending a message to you. Are you working too hard for long hours? Are you under constant stress, pressure and deadlines?

How to solve this: First, (and most important) is to take time for yourself to feel into these emotions. Your energy is what will attract your clients into your life, so if you are writing marketing content from a negative space, that is what you are putting out into the world.

Take a break, a walk, or do some quick exercise to get yourself into a more positive space. Every time you sit down to write, or go out to a networking event, do something positive or inspiring to pump yourself up and go in with your highest vibration.

Does all of this still seem overwhelming? This might be the time in your business where you are ready to get help. Maybe you just need an outside mind helping to brainstorm ideas and topics, or maybe you just want to pass it on to an expert so that you can focus on running your business and providing to your clients. I invite you request a free marketing consultation to ask your questions, gain insight on moving forward and see how I work.